Features Overview

Business Division

What we do:

Formula SAE is about much more than just engineering. Being a part of the Business division provides an unparalleled collegiate experience in all aspects of running a small business including financial management, procurement, sponsorship and more.

Finance and Logistics Officer

William Wei wcwei@g.clemson.edu

Business division members gain valuable experience with recruitment, event planning, content creation, social media management, procurement of materials, establishing and maintaining relationships with sponsors, and managing the team’s finances. Members develop their speaking skills through many presentations to alumni, stakeholders, and judges. In addition, a major portion of the Formula SAE competition is a business presentation based on a chosen prompt to a prospective client. 

Members of the business division pose with the Tiger 24 at FSAE Michigan 2024.

Members of the business division pose with the Tiger 23 at FSAE Michigan 2023.